We want you to get the care you deserve.
Welcome to Kin
Kin is an all-inclusive 5,000 sq ft retreat center, offering integrative services, support, fitness and therapy. The Center is free to any Bucks County, PA residents battling cancer regardless of where they are receiving treatment, also welcoming family and caregivers. Kin is made possible by generous donations from the local Bucks County Community. Kin’s mission is to help people find calm and peace and center themselves in a restorative environment. We strive to help bring people to a place where they feel empowered to manage their diagnosis through treatment, recovery and beyond.
About Corinne Transue Sikora
As she was battling both breast and brain cancer, local resident Corinne Sikora had a wish for one comprehensive place for those in the cancer community to find emotional and physical support. She envisioned a warm, welcoming, communal wellness and support center as a retreat for people at all stages of their cancer journey. Corinne passed on November 25, 2020 .

Kin Before & After